Friday, April 11, 2014

Gram Visits!

My mom finally made her first trip to PA to visit us.  It was, like always, so great to see her.  We spent most of the time just hanging out together doing nothing.  Olivia insisted we go to Chocolate World one day.

We also visited Gettysburg one day.  The museum was really interesting and there was lots of outdoor space for Olivia to run around:

She also kept Olivia for the weekend so that Jon and I could get away to NYC for a (long overdue) date night. 
It was a great week, but it ended too soon.  I think she should move a little closer :)  We love you, Mom!


  1. Can I come back today? Pics make me miss yall!
    Love ya'll

    1. Makes me miss you more too! I wish you would come back today!!! Love you!
