Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Poohsie Woosie

Olivia's preschool class has a Pooh bear that goes home with one of the students each weekend.  This was our weekend.  We made sure to take Pooh on lots of adventures and then wrote in the Pooh journal so the rest of the class could learn more about Olivia and her time with Pooh.  Here are some of the things we did with Pooh.
Visited Jon at work:

Fed Pooh in Rose's high chair:
Read him a bedtime story:

We took Pooh to the bakery for a breakfast treat on Friday morning:
Jon made pancakes shaped like a beehive for breakfast on Saturday:
 Took a picture with Pooh before church:
Pooh also went with us to pick up Grandpa from the train station. We took him to Hershey on our last day together before he had to go back to preschool:

It was lots of fun! Here's our journal entry:

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