Monday, December 23, 2013

New House

Today, we closed on our new house!! It's official... we are moving to Harrisburg, PA. Jon is being transferred to his company's home office. We knew this was coming eventually, but it was a little sooner than we expected. However, we are super excited to actually buy a house of our own! In our 9 years of marriage, this will be our 9th house and 7th state. It has been a fun ride, but we are all glad to finally be settling down somewhere for good. I'm extremely sad to have to say goodbye to our MD friends (that part never gets easier), but hopefully we can make frequent visits since it's only a couple of hours away. We are anxious to see what this new journey brings for our family!

We will celebrate Christmas in MD and the movers will be here Dec. 28 to take our stuff to PA!

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