Friday, August 23, 2013

Horseback Riding

The lady that works the toddler room at church during Connections offered to show the girls (Karissa and Olivia) around the barn where she keeps her horses. We've been so busy that we haven't had a chance to go, but Anna and I finally decided to take them. They had so much fun watching the goats, petting the rabbits, and brushing and riding the horses. We can't wait to take them back again!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Beach Day

It was such a beautiful day, we decided to try out our nearby beach, Sandy Point. Olivia and I met Anna and Karissa there, as well as Ainsley, Luci, and Joey. (Ainsley moved here from Chicago just a few months before we did.)

It was perfect beach weather, but there were too many jelly fish for us to get in the water. The girls still had fun playing in the sand, though.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Arkansas- Part 2

Back at my mom's house, we mainly just spent time together. Olivia went to work with Mom a few days. I got to spend the day shopping and hanging out with Amy. We went out on the lake with Glen. The cousins played together. Olivia went fishing. It was laid back and perfect.

Cousins before church:

Olivia trying to catch her first fish:

She finally caught something! But.... it was a turtle. She was still excited, though!

Swimming with Uncle Glen, Abby, and Mason:

She also rode the inner tube on this lake trip, but I wasn't able to get a picture. She loved it! Until she hit some waves and came out of the tube. Haha!

We visited Glen at work one day and took some pictures with the old taxi cab at his office.

Olivia loved the Mississippi River, so we went down and checked it out one day and took some pictures.

On our last day, we spent a lot of time reading with Gram:

I also took her to Dad's grave:

And to the complex named after him:

It was a wonderful trip and so great to spend time with everyone. We were both sad to have to leave...

Friday, August 16, 2013

Arkansas- Part 1

Olivia and I recently returned from our trip to Arkansas, where we were able to spend a little over 2 weeks visiting friends and family. It was so nice to have enough time to spend time with everyone... however, no matter how long we stay, it's never long enough.

We started the trip at my moms house, where we spent a few days. One of those days, we went to the Memphis Zoo with Mom and Mason.

A few days later, we drove to Fayetteville to see a few of my friends. That trip started when we met my friend Angie at her office at Sam's Club. After all of her co-workers loaded Olivia up on chocolate and Angie gave her a tutu, we went to a festival on the Bentonville square.

The next morning started with us attempting to run a 5k. However, the weather had other ideas and due to a thunderstorm, we only made it to the starting line.

We spent a majority of the time with Angie and James eating delicious meals prepared by James, but we did venture to the local art museum one afternoon. It was so great to see Angie and catch up. She's already booked a flight here for November, and I can't wait!!

The next stop in Northwest Arkansas was at Mandy's house, my friend from college. I haven't seen Mandy since she came to visit us in Chicago shortly after Olivia was born. Our other college friend, Christy, came over with her kids one morning and we had so much fun visiting and reminiscing.

Christy's kids (Ryan and Maisie), Mandy's kids (Drew and Brianna), and Olivia:

With Brianna:

Loving on Drew:

And again :)

The next day, we went to the University of Arkansas campus so I could get some pictures of Olivia there and show her where "Woo Pig Sooie" plays football.

The following day, we drove back to my mom's, where we spent the rest of our time. I'm so glad we were able to make the trip to northwest Arkansas. It was way overdue!!