Friday, October 21, 2011

Random Thoughts

We've been keeping busy this week, but I wanted to document a few things before I forget. First, Olivia has gone pee-pee in the potty twice!! I'm not trying to potty train right now, but I have the potty in the bathroom and she likes to sit on it. I'm just letting her sit when she wants and get used to it for now. She seems to like it, and thinks it's a great place to read (like her daddy.) :)

I keep forgetting to mention on here that Olivia is a bit of a bully these days. She is constantly telling other kids, "No!" and she frequently takes toys, snacks, cups, etc from the other kids, even if they are several years older than her. (She also has been known to shove a few times. Eek!) I've been trying to teach her how to "be nice" and "share". So far, it hasn't worked too well, but I'm hoping it will soon. I keep telling Jon that she must get that from him because I was a sweet, shy kid. ;)

She really loves her friends. When she wakes up, I tell her who we will see that day and she says that person's name over and over all day. It's cute to see the kids start recognizing each other on a playground with other kids around now.

At the playground with her friends Carter and Adelina:

Olivia also loves to help clean up. She helps put her toys away at the end of the day. She also "accidentally" spills her milk quite often, just so that she can wipe it up. Her latest thrill is mopping the floor:

Her vocabulary expands more and more every day. She repeats almost every single thing we say. She knows almost every animal and their sounds now, she can name most of her body parts (including elbow and ankle... ha!), and she can say most names. Oh, and she also knows what a circle is!

Anyway... those are just a few random thoughts. Hope all is well with all of you!

1 comment:

  1. Now if you can just keep her liking to clean!!!
    Can't wait til the weekend. We knew she would love Amy. How could she not? Love ya'll
