Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Doctor Appointment

Olivia had her one month check-up with the doctor yesterday. If you remember, she weighed 8lb 7oz at her last appointment on June 4th. Now, she weighs 10lbs 15oz! She is growing like crazy! The pediatrician (Dr. Egues) was very happy with her progress and said she looks great. When Dr. Egues put Olivia on her tummy, she was really impressed with how strong she was in holding her head up for so long. She only had to get one shot yesterday (Hep B), but she didn't like it AT ALL! She screamed and turned beet red, but luckily it didn't last long. As soon as I picked her up, she settled down to just a sad sob. :(

I can definitely say that she is smiling at us now! Her happiest time is first thing in the morning... it's like she's so happy to see us when she first wakes up. I love it!

Here's a picture (though not a great one) where you can see her band-aid from the doctor:

Friday, June 25, 2010

One Month Old

I can't believe Olivia turned one month old yesterday... where has the time gone?? I survived my first week alone with her and we had a great week. We took a few walks to the park and went to Babies R Us and Target. She is more and more alert every day. She still sleeps a majority of the day, but when she is awake, she really checks everything out. She is holding her head up for longer periods of time now. She also has started smiling a little more, although I'm not sure if she's smiling at us or if it's gas! :)

Here are a few pictures of our one month old:

Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day, Jon! I am so blessed to have you as my husband, and Olivia is equally as blessed to have you as her daddy. I love you more than anything in this world. And, just when I thought it wasn't possible to love you any more, I saw your face when you first laid eyes on Olivia. That moment is forever etched into my mind, and it made me fall even more in love with you. Since that moment, you have blown me away each and every day with your love for Olivia and all that you do to help me. I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm so thankful that God brought you into my life. Happy First Father's Day! I love you forever... and a day!!!

First Father's Day:

Daddy's Little Girl:

Past couple of weeks

Well, it's been a busy couple of weeks. As I mentioned in my last post, Jon's mom was here for a week.

Napping with Grandma Gilge:

After she left on Saturday morning, we had Olivia's pictures taken. She has been such a good baby and rarely cries, but she didn't want to cooperate with pictures. However, Audrey was able to get some really good ones. Unfortunately, I'm having a hard time getting them uploaded, so this is the only one you get to see for now. I'll try again later.

We enjoyed the rest of the weekend just hanging out at home. Then, on Monday morning, Olivia and I took off on her first road trip. We made the trip to Arkansas for her to meet some more of my family. It would have been better if Jon had been able to go with us, but he had to work. Since he had already taken 2 weeks off, it just made more sense for Olivia and I to go alone. (Keep in mind, this was Jon's idea... However, after being gone 5 days, I think he changed his mind. He said we aren't allowed to leave again! HA! :)

Olivia did really good on the ride down there and back. She slept the majority of the way both ways, only waking up to eat and get her diaper changed. It was a really busy week, visiting with lots of people. She even "attended" her first church service. I use the word attended very loosely, as she started crying as soon as we started singing the first song. She and I spent the entire service in the nursery.

I forgot to take pictures with most of the people she met, but there are a few below. She was cranky at times... Gram thinks it's because she was sore from being passed around too much. Maybe!?!

Olivia and her cousin Abby:

With cousins Natalie and Hannah Grace:

Relaxing with Aunt Ruby:

Hanging out with Uncle Glen:
It was so great seeing everyone! If we didn't get a chance to see you, hopefully we will next time!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Swinging and Reading

Jon's mom has been in town since Monday and is staying until Saturday. The weather was rainy yesterday, so we stayed in, and Olivia spent a little time in her swing for the first time. Today was a beautiful day and Jon was able to take the day off, so we took a walk and went out to lunch. Olivia didn't make a peep, so we were able to enjoy a nice lunch. When we got back, Jon had received a bunch of baby books that he had ordered. He and Olivia spent some time looking at them and loving on each other.

Just a swingin':

Kisses from Dadddy:

Olivia and Mommy ready for lunch:

Reading with Daddy:

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Big Girl

We took Olivia to the pediatrician on Friday for a weight check. As you may remember, she weighed 7lb 13oz when she was born, and 7lb 9oz 4 days later. At 10 days old, how much do you think she weighed?? Jon and I were surprised to see that she had gained almost a pound since the last pediatrician visit. She weighed 8lb 7oz! I guess there's no need to worry about if she's getting enough to eat.

It's been a rainy, cloudy couple of days here in Chicago, so we've just stayed in. Here are a few pictures from the past few days.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Olivia's First Week

Olivia's first week has been wonderful. My mom and Jon's parents were here for the birth and Jon's parents left the following day. My mom stayed until Sunday. It was great having her here and we hated to see her leave. Below are some pictures of Olivia's first week. I can't begin to tell you how blessed we feel!

One Day Old:

2 Days Old:
Ready to go home!

3 Days Old:
Amy drove up from Arkansas to meet Olivia!

4 Days Old:
Ready for her first doctor's appointment. The pediatrician said she was perfect (but we already knew that!) :) She weighed 7lb 9oz.
This is also the day of Olivia's first outing. We walked over to Charlie's on Clark St for lunch.

Getting her first bath by daddy

5 Days Old:

6 Days Old:

One Week Old: