Monday, March 15, 2010

It's all in the name

I haven't posted in a while, so I wanted to let you all know that things are still going along smoothly. I had another doctor's appointment last week and everything looks good. Now, instead of going every 4 weeks, I go back in 3. The time is quickly approaching... only about 9 1/2 weeks to go!

I don't think I've mentioned on here, but we have decided on a name. Her name is Olivia Rose. Olivia literally means "olive tree", which in the Bible is a symbol of fruitfulness, beauty, and dignity. Extending an olive branch signifies an offer of peace. And, Rose... well, I don't think any explanation is needed there! :)

As for other things going on, my mom was just up here for a visit last weekend. We went shopping and bought lots of little girl outfits. It was a lot of fun. Glen and Abby are on their way here now to spend a few days of her Spring Break. Jon's parents are coming Easter weekend, so we will have lots of company over the next couple of weeks.

Jon put up some shelves and rods in the closet for Olivia last night. I can't believe how many clothes the girl already has. My mom has sent some things, Jon's sister sent a box of outfits and shoes, and Jon's mom has sent multiple boxes of clothes. I think it's fair to say that she is going to be spoiled! We are thankful for all of it and feel blessed to have so many people who already love her so much!

Mary Beth

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