Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's a...

HEALTHY BABY!! After all, that is what is most important, right?!? I wasn't scheduled for my 20 week ultrasound until January 7, but since Jon and I are both off work this week, we decided to try to get in a little earlier. We went Tuesday (Dec 29). We got lots of pictures of our little one and were told that everything looks great! What a huge blessing! I haven't felt any kicks, had any sickness, etc, so it was very nice to see our little one moving around and the heart beating as it should (151 bpm). Following the advice of my sister-in-law, I had a cup of coffee before I went. (Fyi... I have had very little caffeine since I found out I was pregnant). The coffee definitely got the baby moving... which was the plan. Both the u/s tech and doctor commented on how active she was. Yes, I said SHE. We are having a GIRL and we couldn't be more excited!!! Now the fun of shopping begins! :)

I haven't updated as often as I planned, and I will try to do better. It was so nice spending time in WI for Thanksgiving and in AR for Christmas. It was wonderful to spend time with all of you that we were able to see, and we hope to see more of you this upcoming year.

Happy New Year!

Mary Beth

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