Friday, February 28, 2014


As I've mentioned, Olivia loves the movie Frozen. So, when we saw the book at the bookstore, she couldn't wait to get it.  After reading it to her for about a week, she started "reading" to us.  This is the entire book, so unless you're a grandparent, you will probably lose interest pretty quick. ha!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Grandma's Visit

Jon's mom just visited us for a week.  We were snowed in for a lot of the time (we got 12+ inches in one day!), but Olivia kept her busy playing hide and seek, doing crafts, playing games, watching movies, and reading books.  They had lots of fun!  I didn't take many pictures, but here are a few:

All of our Valentine festivities were cancelled because of the snow, but we still made valentines:

We had a nice visit and are looking forward to the next one!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Olivia started preschool today!
She was so excited to go and she had a great time!  She even got the "Kindness Can", which I was super proud of!

She's already ready to go back.  Unfortunately, I think she'll probably have to wait until next week since we are expecting lots of snow on Thursday.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Feb 10

Here's Olivia with her "happy feet":

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Trip to Arkansas

Like always, it was so nice to visit Arkansas and see our friends and family.  We were only there a week this time, and the weather wasn't the greatest, so we just stayed at my moms for most of the trip.  Olivia had fun hanging out with her cousins, Abby and Mason:

She also got lots of snuggle time with Gram:

She enjoyed playing with Hannah Grace:

Amy gave her a stuffed Olaf that she hasn't put down since:

She convinced Gram o take her to see Frozen again. She kept telling Gram that she would go since Gram really wanted to, haha!

She posed with Natalie and then got a little silly:
The trip ended too soon, but we are looking forward to everyone visiting us in PA!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Feb 1

Today, I co-hosted a baby shower for one of my oldest friends, Angie. She's pregnant with TRIPLETS and I'm so excited for her! Here she is with the hostesses: