Thursday, November 14, 2013

Gram's Visit

My mom came to visit for a week, and we had such a great time!  It's always nice when she comes because not only do we get to visit, but she also gets some alone time with Olivia and lets me have a little break.  It's a win-win for everyone :). 

Here are a few pics from our day in DC:

It's always so hard to see her leave. We are already anxiously awaiting her next visit!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Fun on the Trail

We walked down the trail near our house to play in the leaves, and Olivia had a blast, as you can see from the pictures!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013

We had so much fun this Halloween!  Olivia decided she wanted to be a super hero like her friends, Sofia and Karissa.  She chose Wonder Woman, so that's what she was. 

We had a Halloween playdate at a friend's house, where Olivia painted a pumpkin and made a caramel apples:
Then, Jon and I took her to the aquarium for their Halloween celebration:
On Halloween, we went to Luci's house for her 3rd birthday party:
On Halloween night, Olivia trick-or-treated at Sofia's house with Sofia, Karissa, and Felix: